Friday, May 29, 2009

How To Achieve Top Google Rankings

For years, it has been well known that Google’s search algorithm is driven by the number and quality of links pointing to a particular URL. And as a result, it was all the rage for some time to buy links on web pages that had a high Google PageRank (PR).

But in March of 2007, Google’s mouthpiece Matt Cutts declared that Google was going to fight back against Paid Links. Google put a shot across the bow of many online marketers, letting them know that the days of easily buying links from high PageRank pages in order to influence a website’s ranking in Google were over.

The Shot Heard Around The World

With Matt Cutts declaration, a world full of online marketers began to cry foul. It was said that “They can’t do that!”

But the truth was and is that the Google Search Algorithm is Google’s intellectual property, and therefore, Google can do anything they want within their algorithms - no matter who those changes might hurt or help.

By the end of the Summer of 2007, the people crying foul had quieted down a bit and got back to the business of trying to find new ways to manipulate their website’s rankings inside of the Google search results. That is the way it has always been and always will be.

The summer of 2007 was just such an oddity… For me, it has always been exciting to challenge the brains at Google to get my websites to rank well within Google’s search algorithms. But for some reason, at that moment in time, many of those who held the top rankings in Google felt as if it was their God-given right to be at the top of Google’s search results, and how dare Google oppose God’s decree in this matter.

Yep, I know I am going to catch flak for that statement - comparing a few webmasters to religious zealots - but that is how I roll sometimes.

For me, Matt Cutts was telling people to work harder to actually “earn” what they have been given. For me, it was a chance to re-dedicate myself to the goal of ranking well in Google for competitive keywords. I did not have to change anything I was already doing, because I have never gained a single ranking in Google by paying for a link from any web page. (wink)

Google’s Search Engineers Are Not Foolish

Matt Cutts has said time and again that Google does not want to attack any problem in their search algorithms by manually deleting any participant in the Google search ranking game.

Instead, Google in every case wants to program a solution to address a particular bad practice.

I guess it might be easier for me to understand since I am also a computer programmer. It is a hobby I really enjoy, and I exercise my mind with computer programming anytime I want to improve my own websites or to build a new website. I keep my brain sharp by solving problems in computer code.

So, whenever I see Google making moves in one direction or another, I try to visualize how I would solve their algorithm problems in computer code.

In my mind, solving the paid links issue was a super-easy solution. Just look at the pages linking to a particular website, and then do a cross-comparison of the PageRank of all of those linking pages. If all of the pages linking to a particular URL have a PageRank of Four or higher, then chances are that those links were artificially created, through some kind of paid linking system.

Let me explain this in an example, where all of the sample web pages have 100 inbound links each:

If Site A has all of its 100 links on pages that have a PageRank of 4 or higher, then that is unnatural and therefore suspect.

If Site B has all of its 100 links on pages that have a PageRank of 0, then those links offer no value to the Internet community as a whole, and therefore Site B should not measured as a quality search result.

If Site C has a mix of PageRank 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 links, then that is more natural in its structure and it also shows that some of the links are considered to have value in the Internet community as a whole. Therefore, Site C has proven itself worthy above Site A and Site B in Google’s search results.

This example should show in no uncertain terms how easy it was for Google to properly address the issue of paid links and to put a stop to people using paid links to manipulate their websites’ ranking in Google’s search algorithms.

Publication Standards

A couple years back, I wrote another article discussing this concept in relationship to article marketing. You can read that article with third-party commentary from Chris McElroy, aka NameCritic, on the Article Content Provider Blog.

In a nutshell, I was discussing the role of article directories in the article marketing industry. Again, this solution came to me from my programming mind. The simple way for Google to have dealt with all of the junk articles that have been written for the purpose of building links to a website is to look at the article in the context of where that article is published.

The article marketing carpet bombers send their articles to hundreds of article directories to get hundreds of links pointing to their website. But the role of the article directory has always been to be a repository where newsletter publishers and webmasters could go to find articles that they would like to reprint in their own newsletters and on their own websites.

Some article directory managers bring a commitment to providing publishers with only quality articles. Other article directory managers approve anything and everything sent to them.

Through computer programming, it is relatively easy to identify which websites are article directories and which ones are not.

If an article is of good quality, then niche website publishers will find the article and put it on their own website. If the article is a crap article, then the only websites that will accept it are those article directories that publish anything and everything given to them.

As a result, it is easy for Google to look at the Linking Portfolio (list of publishing websites) of a single article and to see which articles were considered worthy of reprint by human reviewers. If the article only exists on article directory websites, then the article must not provide any real value to other people. But if the article is of good quality, the article will be able to be located on article directories AND on niche websites.

This concept very elegantly feeds into Google’s overall strategy of determining which web pages people recommend to others. After all, if you look at Google’s PageRank, it is very simply a system which measures how many people have voted on the quality or value of a particular web page.

Expanding On Google’s PageRank Formula

Google loves any system that they can conceive to measure how much value the overall Internet community gives to a particular web page.

Google naturally treats links found in the Yahoo! Business Directory and the Open Directory as higher value links, because the search engineers at Google understand that links in these directories are all approved by a human being.

Google also gives extra value to social bookmarking websites, because the concept behind social bookmarking is that individuals “bookmark” a web page when they find that web page to offer good value to its readers.

Google openly dislikes paid links and can easily identify those paid links, without having to jump through too many hoops. (This should not be confused with paying for a service that will help you increase your rankings in Google. Paying a service provider to provide services to you is very different than just paying for links on high PageRank web pages.)

Google also appreciates reprint articles that have a Linking Portfolio beyond the article directories. Once again, Google appreciates reprint articles that are shown to provide real value to individuals in the greater Internet community.

When you take a close look at the original premise of Google’s PageRank, it has always been about creating systems that measure the value of a web pages to find which web pages will best answer a searcher’s question. Rightfully so, Google believes that the best way to ensure that they are able to give their users good quality search results is to look at what web pages others have already deemed useful.

Herein rests the secret to ranking well in Google’s search results. If you can create content that people will find useful, interesting, and valuable to others, then Google’s search algorithms will look favorably upon your website.

source : Bill Platt -

Keeping Your Workplace Healthy

The last thing any business needs during trying economic times is for its employees to become ill with something that necessitates their absence and is highly communicable. For small businesses, ill employees can be even more of a hardship because there are usually fewer employees and no one to fill their slot if the employees are out sick. There is also a tendency for small business owners and employees to be less likely to take time off no matter how sick they are because it's their business and they feel they simply can't rely on anyone else to fill in for them. This can be a challenge anytime illness strikes but is particularly tough during a crisis such as a looming swine flu pandemic.

There's no need to feel helpless - as an employer, you can take proactive steps that will go a long way towards protecting your workplace. The Occupational Health and Safety Administration has recommended some basic steps that every employer can take to reduce the risk of exposure to pandemic influenza in their workplace:

* Encourage sick employees to stay at home.
* Encourage employees to wash their hands frequently with soap and water or with hand sanitizer if there is no soap or water available. Also, encourage your employees to avoid touching their noses, mouths and eyes.
* Encourage employees to cover their coughs and sneezes with a tissue, or to cough and sneeze into their upper sleeves if tissues are not available. All employees should wash their hands or use a hand sanitizer after they cough, sneeze or blow their noses.
* Employees should avoid close contact with their coworkers and customers (maintain a separation of at least six feet). They should avoid shaking hands and always wash their hands after contact with others. Even if employees wear gloves, they should wash their hands upon removal of the gloves in case their hand(s) became contaminated during the removal process.
* Provide customers and the public with tissues and trash receptacles, and with a place to wash or disinfect their hands.
* Keep work surfaces, telephones, computer equipment and other frequently touched surfaces and office equipment clean. Be sure that any cleaner used is safe and will not harm employees or office equipment. Use only disinfectants registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and follow all directions and safety precautions indicated on the label.
* Discourage employees from using other employees' phones, desks, offices or other work tools and equipment.
* Minimize situations where groups of people are crowded together, such as in a meeting. Use e-mail, phones and text messages to communicate with each other. When meetings are necessary, avoid close contact by keeping a separation of at least six feet, where possible, and assure that there is proper ventilation in the meeting room.
* Reducing or eliminating unnecessary social interactions can be very effective in controlling the spread of infectious diseases. Reconsider all situations that permit or require employees, customers and visitors (including family members) to enter the workplace. Workplaces that permit family visitors on site should consider restricting or eliminating that option during an influenza pandemic. Work sites with on-site day care should consider in advance whether these facilities will remain open or will be closed, and the impact of such decisions on employees and the business.
* Promote healthy lifestyles, including good nutrition, exercise and smoking cessation. A person's overall health impacts their body's immune system and can affect his or her ability to fight off, or recover from, an infectious disease.

While many of these steps may just seem like common sense, in our busy lives it's easy to get complacent when a sense of urgency isn't there. Practicing many of these tips on a regular basis can go a long way toward having a healthy, productive workplace. For more worker safety and health guidance for planning for a possible pandemic, go to the OSHA website and the government's pandemic flu website.

source :Catherine Gordon - toolkit

4 Ways to Overcome Marketing Challenges Forever

For most small business owners, marketing is an overwhelming concept. They need marketing solutions that ensure a smooth-running, profitable business yet most don't know where to begin or how to focus their efforts.

90% of small businesses don't even have a marketing plan. It's difficult to reach your destination if you don't know where you're going!

If you're a small business owner looking for ease, focus and marketing success, we recommend that you focus on just 4 tactics:

1. Establish a memorable and unmistakeable brand identity:

The secret to business success is determined by your ability to powerfully communicate your business with laser precision and your ability to deliver a clearly-defined and consistent experience.

In a nutshell... it's called branding, and, when done right, it ensures a thriving business with all the customers and profits you need. The secret is to establish a powerful brand identity that sings distinction. And establish that identity before you launch any marketing activities.

2. Create a deep connection with your core target audience - your potential raving fans!

Who wants and needs what you have to offer? The only wrong answer is "everyone." If you're a pediatrician, you may see infants and children. Are they your target audience? No! They are your patients, but it's the parents you need to connect with to get the kids in your door. And it's not just any parents - it's a definite group of parents.

In marketing, you get a lot more "bang for your buck" if you focus your spending on a well-defined group of people that you enjoy working with. The better you define this group, the more effective your marketing can be.

3. Design compelling offerings that pull customers in like a magnet.

80% of all purchase decisions are based on emotion. It's your job as a marketer to know how your customers want to feel and to get them to visualize how your services can meet their needs. People want to know, "What's in it for me?" Tap into the emotion and create offerings that touch your customers.

4. Craft A Personal, Workable Marketing Plan

Marketing is everything you do to make your product or service more visible, more desirable and more profitable. Your marketing plan will clearly define the big picture and provide focus and direction based on the 4 'P's of Marketing - product, price, place/distribution and promotion.

Since 90% of small business owners do not have a plan, you'll have a leg up on your competition by crafting your personal, workable marketing plan to ensure that you reach your business goals.

Following these 4 criteria will transform any small business into a money-making machine guaranteed to grow your client list, sales and profits. The upfront work is the secret to a million-dollar business, literally and figuratively.

source : Leslie Hamp -

SATA 3.0 is now official

The Serial ATA International Organization has finally made the third-generation SATA interface official. It provides maximum transfer speed of 6 Gb/s and comes with many other enhancements as well.

The new SATA 3.0 is backwards compatible with all the previous standards. The new enhancements or features, if you like to call them like that, include a new Native Command Queuing (NCQ) streaming command for isochronous data transfers, NCQ Management that optimizes performance by enabling host processing and management of outstanding NCQ commands, improved power management capabilities, a small Low Insertion Force (LIF) connector for 1.8-inch drives, a connector for 7mm optical disk drives for thin and light notebooks, and alignment with the INCITS ATA8-ACS standard.

We already saw some draft versions of the standard, and we are quite sure that some manufacturers will show their first SATA 6Gbps devices at Computex.

source : fudzilla

How to Obtain a High Level of Business Credibility

One point that can really improve your business is credibility. Being credible so people and the media see you as a top expert in your field contributes to your success. Business consultants can assist you with building credibility by pointing out a variety of important aspects in your business.

In business coaching, credibility is defined as someone who is seen to be consistently trustworthy. Business consultants can help you form this impression through communication, knowledge of a field, work accomplishments, perception, good values and personality.

In a competitive marketplace, credibility distinguishes your business from the rest. By using business coaching techniques and enhancing your communication, you can promote your business in a credible way to increase sales.

There are several elements towards obtaining credibility, which are taught through business coaching. A business coach or executive coach can work with you to solidify your competence, integrity, sound judgment, communication skills, sensitivity, persona and likeability.

Executive management training teaches the necessary communication skills so you can properly position yourself as an industry expert. Furthermore, a business coach or executive coach can offer assistance in these five areas:

1. Brand Yourself. With the help of a business coach or executive coach, you can promote yourself. This process begins with business coaching and involves establishing trust based on your credentials. As you proceed through executive management training, you'll learn that your resume, solid communication skills, a positive self-image and confidence are all key points for building credibility.

2. Make Connections. Executive management training focuses on the requirement to be more accessible to the public and media. According to business consultants, you can put yourself in the public eye by networking. Join business-related groups, chambers of commerce, trade associations, or other professional groups. Use your management and communication skills to volunteer for a nonprofit or a neighborhood group. Meeting others beyond your business circle, says business consultants, enhances your credibility and lands connections that could lead to great things.

3. Expand Your Knowledge. In any business industry, things constantly change and evolve. Keeping current and being aware of issues that impact people encourages credibility. A business coach or executive coach can turn your knowledge into opportunities where the media will seek you out as a credible source for an interview.

4. Marketing. Knowing how to market your business to portray credibility will get results. Business coaching works specifically on marketing principles that work to establish credibility.

5. Communication. How you talk about the issues in your industry gives you credibility. You can find out about the essential communication skills from a business coach or executive coach. Good communication is necessary, especially for media interviews. Both verbal and nonverbal communication is addressed in executive management training sessions, as is proper dress and presentation.

As business consultants say, there are quite a few perks to being a credible source. Your customer foundation will dramatically increase as more individuals become confident in your product or service. Your business will acquire additional media exposure, as the press looks to you as a spokesperson in your specific field to complement a news story. Good publicity, says executive management training experts, leads to increased sales.

source :Alan Gillies - ezinearticles

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How to Teach Your Child About Internet Safety

The World Wide Web is a wonderful tool; with a little bit of education and caution, surfing the Web can be a great experience for your kids.


Things You'll Need:

* Internet Service Providers
* Computers
* Blocking Software

Step 1

Help your child pick out a screen name or user name. Avoid names that include a name and/or an age, such as Johnny10.

Step 2

Surf the Web with your child, letting him or her lead your exploration together (if your child is experienced enough).

Step 3

Visit some sites for children together.

Step 4

Teach your child that other people are using the Web just as you are, and explain that it's hard to tell whether they're telling the truth about themselves.

Step 5

Discuss with your child the potentially harmful topics that could show up on the Web, such as violence, hate material and pornography.

Step 6

Warn your child not to give out personal information over the Internet, send pictures of himself or herself, or meet someone in person without your permission.

Step 7

Warn your child not to join any mailing lists without your permission.

Step 8

Encourage your child not to visit sites or respond to messages that seem strange or scary.

Step 9

Encourage your child to speak to you or a teacher whenever he or she encounters anything that makes him or her uncomfortable.

Tips & Warnings

*You can choose an online service that has parental control features, or buy
blocking software to design your own control system.

*Monitor your child when he or she is online.

*If your child receives offensive material over the Internet, save it and contact
your Internet service provider and the police immediately.

source :

Top 10 Healthy Summer Foods for Children

Ball games, cookouts, festivals. Summer is ripe with our children’s favorite foods. Yet so many summer foods -- from BBQ turkey legs to ice cream and hot dogs -- are dietary disasters.

Can children eat healthy, yet still enjoy their favorite summer foods? Yes, they can have hamburgers, hot dogs, ice creamy treats, and desserts -- if you handle it right.

Healthy Food Rule #1: Let them eat sweets, says Sarah Krieger, MPH, RD, LD, a dietitian in St. Petersburg, FL, and an American Dietetic Association (ADA) spokeswoman. "It's really important to treat sweets like any other food, to have a little bit every day. That's how kids develop a healthy relationship with sweet foods."

Healthy Food Rule #2: Make sure they burn off the calories, says Elisa Zied, MS, RD, a nutrition consultant in New York City, author of the book Feed Your Family Right!, and an ADA spokeswoman.

At a carnival, "if your kids want a funnel cake or corn dog, go for it," Zied tells WebMD. "You don't want them to feel deprived. Pump up their activity that week or that day so they can burn it off." She also teaches kids to share sweet and fatty foods -- so everyone gets a taste, but no one overeats.

Healthy Food Rule #3: "Be a good role model," says Sheah Rarback, MS, RD, director of nutrition for the Mailman Center for Child Development at the University of Miami School of Medicine. "Expose kids to healthy foods -- or at least healthier versions of their favorites. If you eat them, your kids will eat them."

Here are healthy tips for children’s favorite summer foods:

1. Top Summer Food: Nachos & Quesadillas

Mexican food is always a treat -- and has lots of healthy elements. Start with whole-wheat chips and tortillas for extra fiber, then add your favorite toppings. Done right, you can sneak lots of veggies, protein, calcium, and fiber into these snacks.

* Create your own nacho platter, Rarback suggests. "Top tortillas with beans, salsa, guacamole, and melt low-fat cheese over it all. Kids love those kinds of healthy carbs." Toss a bit of fat-free sour cream on top if you want.
* Puree different veggies -- then slip them into a chip dip, or use it as a nacho topping. Your kids won't know the difference!
* Quesadillas are another kid favorite. Top whole-wheat tortillas with beans, low-fat cheese, veggies (like red bell and green peppers, corn, green onions, spinach, mushrooms), and chicken. On the side, you've got the classic quartet -- low-fat sour cream, lettuce, salsa, guacamole -- also healthy.

2. Top Summer Food: Hamburgers & Hot Dogs

This all-American duo has always been trouble -- full of fat, sodium, and cholesterol. The good news is, you can improve nutrition by making a few wise choices.

* If you grill burgers at home, mix it up. Use one-half lean beef and one-half ground turkey. Add a little applesauce or egg white for extra juiciness, Krieger suggests. Fun toppings -- lemon or orange zest, black pepper, salsa, BBQ sauce, pineapple. A slice of a summer tomato and some fresh-from-the-garden lettuce tops off the taste.
* Frozen veggie burgers on whole-wheat buns are another good option. Try grilling them, and toast the bun, too. Lots of fixings boost the enjoyment factor.
* Try light and reduced-fat hot dogs, including chicken and turkey dogs. They taste best hot off the grill, Krieger says.
* Switch gears: Grill skinless chicken breasts and lots of veggies -- onions, bell peppers, carrots, squash, eggplant. "These taste great with a little olive oil brushed on," says Zied. "Serve them cut up into small pieces -- or with some melted cheese on toasted French bread."

3. Top Summer Food: Ice Cream

It's hard to resist ice cream. But premium ice creams have about 15 grams or more fat per 1/2 cup serving.

* Sweet news here: Many well-known brands -- Dreyers/Edy's, Breyers, and Haagen-Dazs -- are making super-creamy "light" and "slow-churned" ice creams that cut lots of fat and calories. Read labels carefully. Plain flavors like chocolate and vanilla have about 100 calories per half-cup, while other flavors are 120 to 130 calories -- even 250 calories per serving.
* Another option: "If kids get a Fudgsicle or Popsicle, they'll be dodging lots of fat and sugar," Krieger says. In fact, Fudgsicles now come in fat-free or low-fat, no sugar added versions. Popsicles are fat-free, even sugar-free if you want. And both have built-in portion control, she adds.
* Make your own frozen fruit pops. Buy molds and sticks at a crafts store. Pour in your favorite fruit juice (with fruit chunks, if you want), and freeze. It's an easy yummy treat for a hot summer day.

4. Top Summer Food: Frozen Yogurt

Frozen yogurt sounds healthier than ice cream -- or maybe not. "You have to read food labels to see," says Krieger. "Some have more sugar than low-fat ice cream. Others are the equivalent of sherbet. It can be tricky."

With desserts, you don't want to go for empty calories -- and that's where frozen yogurt fits in, says Bonnie Taub-Dix, MA, RD, a New York City dietitian and also an ADA spokeswoman. "Go for foods that are valuable and taste good at the same time."

* How about frozen yogurt pie? Crunch up graham crackers (or buy a graham cracker pie shell), spoon frozen yogurt into it, top with fresh strawberries or raspberries, then freeze.
* Fruit and yogurt parfait, topped with granola, is another easy dessert. Or, spoon frozen yogurt between two low-fat cookies. You could also make a smoothie, using fresh blueberries, grapes, and strawberries.

5. Top Summer Food: Waffles & Pancakes

This classic breakfast food is fun for kids. It's made easier with frozen, whole grain, reduced-fat products. The toppings boost the nutrition: natural applesauce, blueberries, sliced banana and strawberries, and a little light syrup, Zied suggests.

* Another classic: Scrambled eggs mixed with low-fat shredded cheddar, tomatoes, asparagus, mushrooms (or whatever veggies your kids like).
* Scrambled-eggs-in-a-cup: Take a slice of whole wheat bread, break it up into a cup, top with the cooked egg mixture. You're good to go!

6. Top Summer Food: Marshmallows

What's cool about marshmallows? "Even kids with food allergies can eat them," Krieger says. "Give one to a child who can't eat a chocolate chip cookie and you're sure to get a smile."

* Four large marshmallows have 90 calories -- mostly sugar. To give 'em a nutrition boost, try skewering marshmallows with strawberries and other fruit.
* Of course, toasted marshmallows and S'mores are American standards. If your kids haven't discovered these classic treats, it's time! Just toast a marshmallow over a grill or campfire, place it over a chunk of chocolate. Put it between two graham crackers (a good source of whole grains).

7. Top Summer Food: Popcorn

Whole grains help keep kids from gaining weight, and popcorn qualifies as a whole grain. In fact, a recent study showed that people who eat popcorn regularly get about 22% more fiber in their diet, compared to people who don't eat popcorn.

The only problem is all the fat that accompanies many brands of microwave popcorn. There are some low-fat versions out there, so read labels carefully, says Rarback.

* Air-popping popcorn is your healthiest option. Or make your own microwave popcorn: Place 3 tablespoons of kernels in a brown bag, roll it up, and pop in the microwave. Then spray with butter and add Parmesan cheese or salt. That's about 80 calories.
* Put limits on how much your child eats, Rarback advises. "Instead of putting it in a huge bowl, put a reasonable amount in a small bowl. Make that their serving."

8. Top Summer Food: Watermelon

There's no doubt that watermelon is good for kids -- with its high concentration of lycopene, an important disease-fighting antioxidant. Watermelon is 92% water and 8% sugar, and a favorite sweet treat for kids.

* Make sure watermelon wedges make it to your table. But don't stop there. A platter or bowl of other seasonal fruits -- fresh blueberries, strawberries, cherries, peaches, plums -- makes a yummy treat, too.
* Taub-Dix suggests putting the fruit bowl in the freezer, and serving it frozen. Her 13-year-old son, Jesse, would rather have the fruit in a smoothie instead. "You won't get kids to pick up frozen fruit," he says. "But a smoothie would be great."
* Introduce kids to fun veggies, too, says Rarback. "Edamame is fun to eat because you pop out the little soy beans out of the pod. It's an engaging thing. But have most kids ever tried it?" Include edamame on raw veggie platters, along with baby carrots, celery sticks, asparagus tips, cherry tomatoes -- plus nutritious dips like hummus or low-fat yogurt.

9. Top Summer Food: Anything Sweet

Chocolate cakes, carrot cakes, cakes of every flavor are all-American picnic fare. Is that really such a bad thing?

If they eat just a slice, that's fine, says Rarback. "In the summer, kids should be active enough that they can eat a piece of cake if they want it -- especially if the majority of their foods are nutrient rich. It's all about balance and moderation."

* Bake cupcakes, brownies, or dessert bars -- instead of layer cakes -- for portion control. Lighten up cake and brownie mixes by replacing oil with half oil and half applesauce (or another fruit puree).
* To give kids a chocolate fix, use chocolate shavings for flavoring on angel food cake, frozen yogurt, seasonal fruit, or other healthier treats. "It's better than giving them a candy bar," Rarback says.
* A naturally sweet treat: grilled bananas, low-fat ice cream, a drizzle of melted chocolate -- and light whipped topping .

10. Top Summer Food: Thirst Quenchers

At the ballpark, at the carnival -- it's hard to find a good replacement for soda, says Zied. "Even lemonade isn't a great option, with all the added sugar."

"One soda once in awhile is fine," she says. "But I also give my kids the option of choosing whether they want a can of soda or three cookies instead. I let them make the choice. That empowers them to not waste calories."

* Share those huge lemonades -- divide it in cups. Dilute with a bit with water.
* Carry fruit juice with you. Or, flavor ice water with an artificially sweetened powder. "If it's hot, they're not going to fuss over drinking water," Zied says.
* Another option: Make a spritzer with exotic fruit juices (like pomegranate or noni juice) plus sparkling water. Or, use blueberry extract with sparkling water. "Kids love blue food," says Rarback.

source : Jeanie Lerche Davis -

The Best Affiliate Marketing Tips Online

The best way to start with an Affiliate Marketing program is to work on a topic you know. This might not provide you with the kind of commission you expect or the best managed program. But it would be easier to start with since you know the subject very well. Later on as you understand the way the marketing program works you can take up other topics and grow.

Putting up lots of banners can only make your site look awful. Users may want to stay away from such sites where there are rows of banners put up. The idea behind the Affiliate Marketing program should be to make money through merchant programs, drive traffic, or improve sales in your website. The way you build your website is very crucial as the purpose of ranking well in search engines is necessary. Put stress on research activities to understand the common difficulty or challenges your visitors may face and offer efficient solutions for the same.

Having a newsletter in your website will allow the visitors access to content from your site on a weekly or monthly basis. This is particularly important for relationship building with them. Sending out informative materials through these newsletters will help in a big way to promote your site. Another great idea would be to allow them to download a report which gives an idea about the services you can offer.

Traffic is important but should be controlled in the right direction. Don't try to buy traffic that is not useful to the kind of marketing you desire. If you want to promote a merchant program then best option would be to promote similar kind of merchants on your site to provide the visitors a range of destinations to get their needs met. Try to create exclusive content on your site so that the visitors can understand what is being offered and click off from your site to the merchant program which best suits their needs. This would improve the revenue of your program and increase its popularity.

Do you want to learn how I build a list and make money online? I've just finished writing a brand new FREE ebook called '7 Steps to Profits and List Building with Article Marketing'.

Download it FREE here: Article Marketing Profits
by : Jason A Osborn
source : ezinearticles

How Businesses Can Prosper, Even Now

Many Americans are hunkering down, but even a grinding recession presents chances to get ahead--and maybe even earn your fortune. The very disruptions causing pain for many workers--spending cutbacks, layoffs, and corporate bankruptcies--often create openings for others. To figure out where to look, I asked William Sahlman of Harvard Business School, an expert on entrepreneurship. Some of his observations:

Creative destruction, like we're seeing now, generates opportunities, right? Do you see new opportunities forming? There's always been a yin and yang of opportunity. One person's crisis is another's opportunity. If you're a buyer of assets in distress, for example, you're able to pick up companies you may never see again at these prices. Right now there's $8 trillion or $9 trillion of cash sitting on the sidelines. People are waiting for signs so compelling that they're willing to go back in.

What are some of the best opportunities you see? Healthcare and education are growing, in terms of fields to work in. And in terms of getting education, the opportunity cost of that is going down, since jobs are harder to find. I know that applications to Harvard Business School are up, for example.

What other fields could be good growth areas? There are enormous opportunities related to energy. Insulation: Believe it or not, that's the highest return on investment related to carbon. Solar. Improving the electrical grid. Biofuels. The biggest problem with energy is that oil's at under 60 bucks a barrel. That destroys the incentive to innovate. I'd almost rather see a fixed price for oil higher than today.

Interesting. That's something a lot of auto executives would like to see as well. With prices that go up and down, we've wiped out predictability. If you're trying to make the case for investing in alternative fuels, you'd like to be able to put a floor under the price of biofuels.

But overall I'm extremely optimistic about the future of science. There's more reason than ever to think there will be technology advances. For one thing, we need them more. Things like poverty and the environment, these are things viewed best as opportunities for technology to solve problems.

I also think you're going to see a lot more kids going into social enterprises like Year Up or Teach for America, something they wouldn't otherwise have done.

Some people are able to remake themselves during times of transition, like we're in now. Can that happen in banking and finance? That seems to be one part of the economy that's under a lot of stress, and likely to change. We will need financial institutions that are effectively restarts. More community banks. The challenge is getting money. In the short run, we're not going to see the rebuilding of the financial system. People with capital are going to put it into distressed debt, not into new banks.

Yeah, you hear of the lot of big investors talking about the riches to be made in distressed debt these days. Is there any way for ordinary people to get in on that? Not really. Unfortunately, distressed debt is a complete insiders game.

If you're trying to find opportunity on an economic landscape that looks pretty barren, what are some things you need to think about? If you can lower the cost of doing things, this may be a great time for disruptive technologies. There are also opportunities to compete on price, as long as you have an acceptable level of quality.

The challenge with retail products is, we're over-retailed. But online firms like eBay should do well, because it cuts out the middleman. Amazon is another one.

People have to cut back, use less leverage, rely on lower incomes. That means renting Kate Spade bags instead of buying them. If you can be the one who rents those bags, it will make you very competitive.

Do you think the recession will get a lot worse? Or are we getting close to a bottom? We're closer to the bottom. I'm optimistic that we'll pull out of this, but not before the housing market stabilizes. The problem is uncertainty about where house prices will go, not where they end up. And all of it is related to trust and confidence in the idea that tomorrow will be a better day.

source : Rick Newman -

90 percent of e-mail is spam, Symantec says

Spammers seem to be working a little bit harder these days, according to Symantec, which reported Tuesday that unsolicited e-mail made up 90.4 percent of messages on corporate networks last month.

That represents a 5.1 percent increase over last month's numbers, but it's nothing out of the ordinary. For years, spam has made up somewhere between 80 percent and 95 percent of all e-mail on the Internet.

Symantec reported that nearly 58 percent of spam is now coming from so-called botnets --networks of hacked computers that can be misused by criminals to steal financial information, launch attacks or send spam. The worst of the spamming botnets -- called Donbot -- generates 18.2 percent of all spam, according to Symantec.

These botnet computers can be rented out on the black market by anybody, but in recent months some spammers have been moving away from botnets, experimenting with a new way to sneak their unwanted e-mail past corporate filters, according to Adam O'Donnell, a researcher with antispam vendor Cloudmark.

"Some of the larger ISPs are seeing a lot of non-bot-driven spam," O'Donnell said. With these campaigns, the spammer will rent legitimate network services, often in an Eastern European country such as Romania, and then blast a large amount of spam at a particular ISP's network. The idea is to push as many messages as possible onto the network before any kind of filtering software detects the incident. Spammers are sending hundreds of thousands of messages per day using this technique, O'Donnell said.

Social networks are also becoming an increasingly important spammer's tool. Over the past week, criminals began taking over both Facebook and Twitter accounts, stealing users' passwords with different phishing attacks.

These stolen accounts are then used to spam the friends of the phishing attack victims.

In the case of the Twitter attack, the hacked accounts were used to send out bogus Twitter messages promoting a free trial of an acai berry dietary supplement. Security experts say that social-networking spam is particularly effective because it can't be filtered at the corporate firewall and appears to come from a friend of the recipient.

Symantec's report can be found here (pdf).

source :Robert McMillan -

Monday, May 25, 2009

How to Activate a Website Using Microsoft Publisher

Activate a website by utilizing Microsoft Publisher's drop-down menus. Learn how to use the Publisher Type to prepare your documents for web activation. Familiarize yourself with the common misconceptions about Publisher websites, and learn what elements Publisher allows you to activate on your website. Websites created by Publisher are static web pages, that is, meant to be read as an online document with limited functionality, not an interactive website. Your Publisher websites can serve, for example, to market a business, share ideas or self-publish your work


Step 1

Start Microsoft Publisher. Click on the File menu, and then select "New."

Step 2

Select "Websites" from the Publication Types list.

Step 3

Select "Blank Sizes" and then choose the size of your website.

Step 4

Click "Create."

Step 5

Type your web page content. If you've already created your content, paste it into the Publisher screen. Do not try to divide your content into frames, such as those pasted from a Word file. Publisher does not produce frames on a website.

Step 6

Click on the File menu. Select "Web Page Preview." The web page you've just created opens in your browser (Publisher is designed to display web pages in Internet Explorer and may not display well in other browsers.) Check the preview of your website to ensure that all the elements are working properly, including hyperlinks and navigation controls. Forms will not be visible in a preview because Publisher uses Front Page to process data forms.

Step 7

Upload your file. Be sure to use an HTTP (not FTP) protocol to activate your website. After submitting your form, follow the prompts on the confirmation screen. Your website is now activated.

source : TW9 -

How To Resolve Your Health Insurance Claims Dispute

Are you having trouble getting your insurance company to pay for your healthcare? Resolving health insurance claims disputes is a long, difficult process, but given the rising costs of medical care, it's definitely worth the effort. Here are some steps you can follow to maximize your chance of success.

Here's How:

1.Gather all of your paperwork.
You will need the following:

o Policy documents describing what is covered and what is not
o Correspondence from the insurance company denying your claim
o Doctor's and hospital bills

2.Read your policy documents carefully.
You may be surprised to find that the medical services you received are explicitly excluded in your policy. However, in many cases, the healthcare procedure in dispute is either not specifically mentioned in the policy documents, or there is some grey area open to interpretation. Make a note of the sections of the policy document that specifically pertain to your situation.

3.Call your insurance company.
Explain to the claims adjustor why you believe your claim was denied in error. Make sure you get the name of the person you speak with, and do not hang up without getting a date by which your claim will be resolved. Call them back on that date if your claim has not been resolved.

4.Document all of your phone calls with the insurance company.

5.Don't give up.
If your claim has not been resolved through your efforts with the insurance company, contact your state's department of insurance to file an appeal. Each state has slightly different procedures for appealing insurance claims denials - check here for the procedure in your state.

By Kelly Montgomery
source : healthinsurance

How You Can Qualify for a Business Loan

With the recent turmoil in the financial markets, banks and other financial institutions (called lenders) are further tightening their purse strings, especially to small businesses.

So, let's review the major factors that lenders always consider. If you and your business are strong in ALL of these categories, your chances of approval improve considerably.

Ability and Willingness to Repay:

First things first. You must be able to demonstrate your company's ability and willingness to repay a loan. Your ability to repay essentially means that your business is generating enough positive cash flow to pay the monthly payment as well as cover your general operating expenses. This positive cash flow can come from your normal operations or from some other source like purchase orders or signed contracts for a specific job.

Lenders also like to see that you and your business have paid past bills and loans as agreed and on time. This is typically accomplished by reviewing your credit reports. Yes, all lenders will review the personal credit reports of the owners of a company as well as those of the business, if any. Lenders may also call on your suppliers and other vendors to see how you have paid them in the past.

In the event that your company is seeking a loan to complete a specific job, the lender may also check the credit and past payment history of the person or organization that contracted you to complete the specific job.

FICO scores below 640 are immediate grounds for denial. FICO score should be in the 700s or higher. Anything in between is questionable.

Lastly, if your business is already carrying a lot of debt, lenders may baulk at your request. Lenders feel that you are simply working to repay loans instead of building the future of your company. The more you rely on debt, instead of equity, to finance your business the more risk you face and the higher risk for the lender. A quick look would be to divide total liabilities to equity. Anything 3.00 of higher is a big red flag.

If your credit or your business's credit has blemishes, you have two options. First, if the blemish was based on a unique situation, say medical bills, explain this situation up front. Being honest with your lender will go a long way in building trust and credibility. Second, before applying for a loan, work diligently to repair your credit. I would suggest starting with the credit reporting bureaus first. If you then think this is outside your expertise or just do not have the time, contact an organization that can help. A quick search engine search is all you need to get started.


Lenders typically like to see three (3) sources of repayment. The first and most important is cash flow - described above. Second, is usually based on the collateral securing the loan. Lenders look for assets that have resell values that meet or exceed the amount of the loan. Should the loan not have specific collateral (like an equipment loan) or is under collateralized, the lender will require a blanket lien against all the business's assets. As a third source, lenders typically turn to personal guarantees. This shows the lender that the business owners are willing to risk their own personal assets to grow the business. So, be willing to provide your potential lender with at least three sources of collateral.

Owners Expertise:

Regardless of your business concept, if you cannot execute your plan, it will never work. Your business must demonstrate that the owners have the necessary expertise to run and grow this type of business. Managing a medical office does not necessary mean that you can design, produce, and sell software. If the business owners cannot specifically demonstrate that they have skills in marketing, management, finance, and accounting, then they must show that they have either hired these skills in house or outsourced these tasks.

If you and your business strongly meet all of these criteria, then you have a better than average chance of getting funded. Always remember, you will and should be turned down by many lenders before getting approved. Don't ever take rejection personally.

by Joseph Lizio
source :

Customize Windows 7 Action Center Notifications

Action Center is a new Windows 7 feature that displays system notifications to the user from its icon in the Windows 7 taskbar. The service will monitor certain Windows applications and functions and display problem reports to the user. The majority of problems that can be discovered are security or maintenance related, for example that the Windows Firewall is disabled or that no antivirus program has been found on the computer system.

While these information might be important for new and inexperienced users they might annoy experienced users more than they are helpful. Who would want to read day in day out that the Windows 7 Firewall is disabled on the computer system?

It is thankfully possible to customize the Windows 7 Action Center notifications. The Action Center configuration can be found in the Windows Control Panel or by typing in [action center] into the start menu form.

windows 7 action center

action center

Experienced users can disable all Action Center notifications so that they will not show up in the taskbar anymore. Another option to completely disable Action Center in Windows 7 is to access the System Icons module in the Control Panel to change the Action Center entry from on to off.

source :
Saturday, May 23, 2009

Mystery virus strikes FBI, U.S. Marshals

The FBI and the U.S. Marshals Service were forced to shut down parts of their computer networks after a mystery virus struck the law-enforcement agencies Thursday, according to an Associated Press report.

A spokesperson for the U.S. Marshals Service confirmed that it had disconnected from Justice Department computers as a precaution after being hit with the virus, while an FBI spokesperson would only say that it was experiencing similar issues, according to the report.

"We too are evaluating a network issue on our external, unclassified network that's affecting several government agencies," FBI spokesman Mike Kortan told the AP.

The virus' type and origin are unknown, but spokespeople for both agencies said agencies' access to the Internet and e-mail was shut down while the issue was evaluated.

Government regulations require agencies to report any security issues to US-Computer Emergency Readiness Team (US-CERT), but a call to CERT late Thursday for comment was not immediately returned.

source : Steven Musil -

Microsoft to reveal Window 7 prices in June

Microsoft will unveil pricing for Windows 7 in a few weeks, a Web site that has accurately predicted past company moves said today., a Malaysian Web site that correctly named the ship date of Internet Explorer 8 earlier this year and leaked details of an upcoming free Windows 7 upgrade program for users who buy Vista PCs after July 1, said that Microsoft will publicly announce prices for Windows 7 in mid-June.

Although Microsoft has detailed the Windows 7 versions it will ship later this year, it has not set prices or a launch date for Vista's successor.

A report last week by CNET cited a Dell product director as saying that the average price of Windows 7 would be higher than Vista, but did not go into specifics. "In tough economic times, I think it's naive to believe that you can increase your prices on average and then still see a stronger swell than if you held prices flat or even lowered them," Darrel Ward, director of product management for Dell's business client product group, told CNET. "I can tell you that the licensing tiers at retail are more expensive than they were for Vista."

According to TechARP, Microsoft set Windows 7 pricing for computer makers such as Dell several weeks ago. By now, Microsoft has also informed major retailers of the Windows 7 prices.

One analyst didn't have any idea what Microsoft will charge for Windows 7, but was sure of one thing: Continuing economic problems put a very big monkey wrench in Microsoft's plans. "It's such a strange time that it's hard to even speculate on prices," said Michael Cherry, an analyst with Directions on Microsoft. "Everything has such a different feel to it because of the economic climate."

In a way, Cherry said, he feels sorry for Microsoft. "Unfortunately, just when they've finally gotten a good Window product, a lot of consumers and businesses are sitting on their wallets," he said.

What Microsoft may face, Cherry said, is apathy, no matter how many of the problems posed by Vista are solved by Windows 7. "When companies finish their evaluation of Windows 7, and decide that it's technically feasible, then it has to go into the hopper with all the rest of the IT projects, where it has to be balanced against all the things that IT has to do."

During tough times, when IT is being asked to do more with less, and consumers are holding on to their money, Cherry thinks it's likely that a new operating system, especially one like Windows 7 that is essentially a stability and performance upgrade from Vista, will get shoved down, or even off, buyers' to-do lists.

TechARP also claimed that Microsoft will be taking stock today with its biggest PC partners to find out whether they're ready for the public launch of Windows 7. "It is expected that Microsoft will finalize [its] launch plans after these discussions," the site said.

While Microsoft has only said that it will have Windows 7 ready in time for the 2009 holiday selling season, comparisons with launches of Windows XP and Vista put public availability at somewhere between October 11 and Nov. 4.

source : Gregg Keizer - computerworld

3 Reliable Secrets to Make Money on the Internet

Having a job online is a dream to many. Imagine, you can work in your pajamas, have direct control over your working hours, have more time with your family, and make more money compare to your monthly paychecks (with hard work and determination, this can happen).

Here's how you can easily make money online:

1. Consider your skills and expertise. There are so many ways to make money online but not all of them compliment your skills, passion, and expertise. To easily determine the best one for you, I recommend that get to know as many online opportunities as possible. See if some of them sound enjoyable to you. Remember, it's important that you'll have a great time doing your job as the last thing you want to happen is to dread every second you spend working in front of your computer. I recommend that you create a list of the things that you love and those things that you are an expert on. Then, find an online job that suits you. For example, if you have great selling skills, you can sink your teeth into affiliate marketing or sell your own products and services online.

2. Read and learn. After choosing the best online job for you, the next thing that you need to do is to obtain as much information as possible about this particular job. Let's take affiliate marketing for example; do you think you can sell affiliate products by just offering it to people you encounter online? Before you can succeed in this field, you need to know a lot of things which include SEO, website creation (although you can hire somebody who can do this for you), traffic and lead-generation techniques, etc. So, it's important that you know your chosen online job on a deeper level before you take the leap.

3. Learn from the experts. If you think that reading online resources is not really enough to get all the information you need, I recommend that you sign up to coaching programs that are being offered by the experts on your chosen niche. Again, let's take affiliate marketing for example. Today, there are hundreds of renowned affiliate marketers who are sharing tips, techniques, and virtually everything they know to help beginners like you. You will need to pay these people for $1,500 - $25,000 depending on the type of products and services that they offer. It could be expensive but this could be one of your best investments to succeed online.

source :Sean R Mize - ezinearticles

4 Ways to Boost Franchise Sales

Today’s challenge is to empower positive change in your franchise: How to not only win the battle against slumping sales, but also set an easy-to-execute strategy in place to be proactive in any economy.

As the youngest of seven children from a rural town in upstate New York, stretching the dollar in a tough economy was as normal for my family as sunrise. Now, as the president and CEO of a growing franchise organization, dealing with decreasing sales really gets me going. For leaders, sitting back and taking what the economy or the pundits give us is simply not an option.

First, here is what not to do:

* Panic
* Slash prices
* Slash staff

While a pessimist may think that the current economic situation is fate, and all they can do is preserve cash, an optimist (i.e. an entrepreneur) looks at what they can do to get ahead of the issue and create positive results. A franchisee has the benefit of using a system’s wisdom, and the ability to network with peers who share the same goals. More sales result in more brand equity, which strengthens their own business as well as their neighboring franchisee.

Follow these four proactive and simple steps towards increasing your franchise sales:

1. Take a close look at your industry and get your facts straight. Things may not be as grim as they appear. Use this data to make strategic decisions for both short-term and sustainable activity. First, let’s look at some numbers. Our recession is a broad-based look at the overall gross domestic product. It’s not a sector-by-sector breakdown. Your area's economy can be substantially different from those across the country, or even in the next state. Even if this isn’t the case, you can certainly take proactive steps to improve your situation that others may not have the vision or motivation to do.

People talk about value-based selling, or couponing. While these are great strategies and should be deployed, I strongly recommend you understand what’s happening in your market and potential or actual industry first.

Don’t believe the hype. Some industries are doing well (health care, children’s services, quick-service restaurants) while others are lagging indicators of the real economy (vacation rentals, luxury items, etc.). Is the franchise you’re looking to join on the cutting edge, middle, or back-end of consumer trends and economic reality? Timing is crucial to understanding how long you’ll need to commit resources, or what level of activity you need today vs. six months from now.
After you understand this dynamic, then you can start looking at how to increase franchise sales.

2. Listen to your customers. If they’re not talking, get them to start. Surveys, store walks and input from your staff helps you feel the pulse of the business. I was talking to a buddy of mine the other day. We were scrutinizing the players who are staying successful in our respective industries, and discovered a few common traits. The “winning” organizations talk to their customers directly. They send out surveys, they walk the floor. They also look at their customers’ buying habits to gain a clear perspective of their most recent behaviors. If you have a nearby competitor, spend a few minutes in their store or office and see what their culture is. Does the staff make things happen, or do they just take orders rather than sell or drive value?

3. Slashing prices is not the answer--helping customers spend money more easily, is. Discounting is a zero-sum game, and eventually, if you condition your customers to depend on sales and coupons, your business will be slower to rebound when things turn around. I recommend spending time where people are spending money. For instance, I was recently picking up something for Mother’s Day at a store. There were about eight or nine of us waiting in line, with only one register open. Well, needless to say, I had three items and waited my turn, but the two people behind me just muttered and walked out the door. A scenario like this is a sure-fire way to decrease sales.

Nobody wants that to happen in their own business. The two or three people re-stocking the store could have easily jumped on the registers to help. Another example of something easy to fix--how often do we see someone telling a customer why they can’t do something? Make it easy for customers who actually want to spend money right now. If you only take Visa or MasterCard, consider AMEX and Discover. These are not earth-shattering concepts, right?

4. Find new ways to deliver value to your customers. Educating a customer helps them want to do business with you, and keeps value in your position as the supplier of something they want. As a franchisor for nearly 16 years, and having operated a franchise location myself, I’ve seen too many people focus on the problem and not the solution. For example, if one of my photographers (or me) makes a mistake, we try not to refund money or give products away; rather, we offer a discount on a future sale. Two months ago, our team devised a “stimulus package” for our franchisees, identifying two to three aspects of their business that occur in various months. Then, we delivered incentives for our franchisees to use them. Most were geared toward increasing sales of a product or package. Others included new products for fundraisers or nonprofit organizations we’re affiliated with. This helped add value for our customers, and was simply an extension of a product we already have. Therefore, we could offer it to our franchisees for pennies on the dollar. A win-win situation for all.

As you consider your entrepreneurial career, look at your opportunities to increase sales, not just stop the bleeding. Franchising is a terrific model to lean on during tough times, and helps grow sales and profits during the better times. Think about it as if you were the customer. In doing so, you’ll be surprised at some of the things you’d focus on to get yourself to spend more money.

source : Joe Lindenmayer -

Obama signs Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure Act

Surrounded by members of congress, consumer advocates (including Consumers Union's Ellen Bloom and Pam Banks), President Barack Obama today signed the Credit Card Accountability, Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act. "Just as we demand that credit card users act responsibly, we demand credit card companies act responsibly, too," the President said.

Among other things, the new law will make it harder for card issuers to raise interest rates without warning, and will require that statements be mailed out at least 21 days before payment is due. Most of the changes under the law won't go into effect for nine months.

source :

Conficker threat continues to grow

Weeks after leaving the media spotlight, the Conficker malware infection continues to spread, according to experts.

Researchers at Symantec have reported that the malware botnet is still claiming victims at a rate of 50,000 systems per day.

According the researchers, infections are the highest in the United States, Brazil and India. High infection rates were also found in China, Mexico and Italy.

"Well much of the media hype seems to have died down around Conficker/Downadup, but it is still out there spreading far and wide," the researchers wrote.

"In fact the Symantec threat intelligence team estimate there are 50,000 newly infected PCs a day right now."

First appearing in January, the many variants on the Conficker worm spread throughout the early part of the year. When researchers discovered that the third variant of the malware was designed to dial a control server on 1 April, a media storm erupted.

Though Conficker.c failed to perform any sort of significant attack, the malware continued to spread throughout April. Later in the month, researchers discovered that a new variant on the malware was making the rounds.

Since the frenzy over Conficker died down, the malware has been eclipsed in the public eye by more prolific attacks, such as the recent Gumblar infection.

source :Shaun Nichol -

10 Sources of Startup Funds for Microsized Businesses

Why don't more people start their own business?

If you answered, "lack of funds" you're right on the money.

In various ways, money - getting enough to start the business and worry about not making enough money to replace the income and benefits from a full-time job - is one of the biggest deterrents to would-be business owners.

Nevertheless hundreds of thousands of individuals start businesses each year. How do they do it? Where do they get the money to get started? Here are ten solutions for startup funding for a micro-sized business. Some are nearly risk-free. Others involve significant financial risk and should be used with caution.

1 - Start part-time. If you need a steady source of income to meet your financial obligations (and keep your family covered by health insurance) start the business as a part-time venture. Don't quit the day job until the part-time business has a steady flow of customers and profits.

2 - Start the business from home. You can start your business for much less money if you don't have to foot the bill for office space and utilities for an out-of-the-home office. While you may not want to advertise the fact that you work from home, you will have plenty of company. According to the findings of a US Census Bureau study of small businesses, nearly half of all businesses in the US are homebased.

3 - Get advance commitments for work. Line up one or two sources of business before you take the plunge. Former employers, if you left on good terms, are often a source of start-up work, or sometimes funding. Big companies that can send you their overflow work or small jobs that they don't want to do can also provide the initial stream of work and income.

4 - Get a part-time job. Work part time and save up your earnings until you have enough money to start the business. Or, as an alternative, work part- or full-time in your own business and take a part-time job to supplement the income from your new business.

5 - Live frugally - and invest the savings in your business. You don't have to live like a pauper or waste hours searching for 50 cent-off coupons to live frugally. A few simple changes may save you $200 a month or more.

Depending how much coffee you drink, for instance, making it at home or in the office instead of buying it at Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts could save you $10 or $15 a week. Bringing your lunch to work instead of ordering it out could save you another $15 or more a week. Eating a home-cooked meal instead of bringing home fast foods or eating out on week nights could possibly save you another $20 or $30 a week. Turning your thermostat down a degree or two during the heating season, and turning it up a degree or two when you have the air conditioning cranking away will save you significant amounts of money during the year. If you're determined to save money, you can probably find a lot of other ways to cut back on your spending.

6 - Use a credit card. Using a credit card - if you have good credit - is the easiest way to get money to start a business. Equipment, suppliers, advertising and postage (for mailings) can all be purchased with a credit card. And if your credit card gives you a line of credit, you can give yourself an instant loan (up to your credit limit). But using a credit card to start your business bears some significant risk, too. If you're not careful you can quickly run up a huge credit card bill - a bill you'll be responsible for paying whether your business is successful or not.

7 - Apply for a home equity line of credit. Some banks offer home equity lines of credit that let you borrow up to as much as 85% of the appraised value of your home. Depending on the value of your home and what you still owe in other mortgages, that can put a significant chunk of money at your disposal for starting your busness. The downside: you're putting your home at risk. If the business fails and you can't repay the loan, you could lose your home.

8 - Apply for business loan instead of a home equity loan. Information you'll need to give the bank includes the: purpose of the loan, projected opening-day balance sheet (new businesses), lease details, amount of investment in the business by the owner(s), projections of income, expenses and cash flow, signed personal financial statements and your resume. You may also need a formal business plan. (If you’re trying to get funding to grow a business you've already started, you'll also need business financial statements for the last three years, and information on receivables, payables, and outstanding debt.) Don't be surprised if the bank turns you down, though. Banks are often leery of lending money to startups.

9 - Ask Your Bank About an SBA-guaranteed loan If the bank turns you down for a business loan, ask them if they'll consider your loan through the SBA guaranteed loan program. If they agree to do so, they'll forward your loan application and credit information to the nearest SBA district office, for a decision.

10 - Borrow from family and friends. Family and friends are a frequent source of funding for small businesses. But remember, you have to live with your family for a long time - and you probably want to stay friends with your friends. So don't borrow from unless you have a business plan and have done enough research to know there is a market for what you want to sell. Be sure your plans provide a way to also pay interest on the money borrowed from family and friends.

source : Janet Attard - businessknowhow

Friday, May 22, 2009

How To Succeed at Running an IT Business

Information technology is one of the hottest industries to be engaged in business in. In the early 1990's, the DotCom boom made millionaires out of dozens of people and companies who sold anything from software, services, and even brands. They banked on the popularity of Internet use and the ever-changing trends in technology. Of course, as quickly as people got rich, the bubble had burst, leaving a lot jobless and even penniless. It's a cut-throat business, and you have to always be on your toes to succeed in this industry.

Here are a few tips and insights that could help you succeed in running an IT business.

Have a good idea and nurture it. Most successful IT businessmen started their business from an "itch" that they needed to "scratch." This means that they had a need, and found a way to fulfill that need. Perhaps you need to improve on a business process, or you want to be able to do something online, but you cannot do it with today's current technologies. The solution then is to create your own! Build your own software. Or improve on software that's already available.

Google's founders thought it was cumbersome to categorize everything on the Web under directories. So what they did was create a search algorithm that will enable users to just type in keywords to search among the millions of websites and pages out there. And they now have a multi-billion dollar business!

Keep a good business and personal network. Most IT businesses succeed not because of a great idea. Actually, great ideas are often surpassed by even great ideas. The secret to succeeding is being able to get people to know about your business and actually use your service. It's all about networking, and in many cases it's not how many people you know, but it's who you know. For instance, many small IT businesses fail within the first five years. But if you know people in the big leagues, like investors and even big tech companies, you can get backing or investment from them. Your company could even be bought outright. Take for instance YouTube. Google bought them for more than a billion dollars, even when Google had its own video service. Take Flickr. Yahoo acquired them even when Yahoo had its own photo service.

Keep innovating. Brick and mortar businesses can remain competitive even when they sell the very same products for decades on end. This is not true in the IT industry, though. You have to keep innovating to be competitive. Other companies will keep on coming up with faster, better software and services. So you need to be on your toes to keep your edge. It's not enough that you have the most users, because if your product is stagnant, your users are bound to move elsewhere. You should be open to change, and take these as opportunities to grow.

Running an IT oriented business is very exciting, because of the potentials and opportunities involved. You don't even have to have a lot of money to start an IT business. All you need are the right ideas, the right people, and the right mindset, plus a bit of luck.

source : By Staff Writer-

How to Eat Healthy on an Event Filled Weekend

Weekend events, special occasions, work trips and holiday weekends are always challenging when it comes to eating. Even I (whose job is to be healthy) have a difficult time with this—so it boils down to the lesser of the evils—I try to do my best with the worst experience.

When I corresponded for the Kentucky Derby for NBC, I flew from a business trip in California to Kentucky, which was challenging in itself. Being on airplanes, not sleeping and not having your own kitchen is one thing. Add a rigorous schedule and nighttime parties and you have a challenge.

Follow my steps for the next time you have an event-filled weekend.


1. Step 1

Use what is provided and start off the best way you can. My schedule didn't allow to stop for meals. What was provided to me was a snack basket, so I immediately determined the best choices. The package of six wheat crackers with cheddar cheese beat out the sugary granola bars, chips and candy. Although there were way more complicated ingredients than I normally care for, the crackers were wheat, the portion and calories were reasonable (230) and most importantly, the cheese had protein. One of the two-pack granola bars combined with a handful of nuts would provide similar value. I also had a few Starbursts, because nobody is perfect, and my snacks consisted of two small dark chocolate bars with nuts and two of the dangerous Oreos. These aren't ideal, but choosing one to two small, sweet snacks isn't horrendous.

2.Step 2

Festive weekends often come with sugary signature cocktails, so you must deal with what you have. If you foresee drinking more than one drink, follow my clear liquor or wine rule or make my SkinnyGirl recipes (see Resources below). If you don't feel like dealing with custom orders, have one of your sugary cocktails and savor it. Enjoy one per day—nothing is forbidden.

3.Step 3

Remember to sleep. Compare the consequences of a night out with a nice calm dinner or room service and a good night's sleep. Lack of sleep makes you crave junk food for comfort.

4.Step 4

When ordering room service meals or fattening food options, just have a little bit of what you love.

5.Step 5

Make your diet a puzzle and fill in what you are missing. During my Derby weekend, eating cheese and crackers made me want a good Sunday night meal. I had already invested in two chocolate-covered oreos, a sliver of cheesecake and a mint julep, so my sugar moment needed to end. Protein was essential. With that, I had a scoop of the chicken and cheese off the nachos, some more chicken from my cobb salad and a spoonful of chili. I wouldn't win any awards, but I had what I wanted in reasonable quantities. Lunch had been vegetables and salad, so now it was protein time.

6.Step 6

Have fun, sleep well, don't go overboard and deal with the situation at hand.

source : By Bethenny Franke -

10 Tips to Protect Your Checking Account

It is much simpler to take some time to safeguard yourself before the criminals get you and your sneaked out identity is manipulated to commit a fraud. The rationale to avoid such a circumstance is to follow the tips to secure your checking accounts.

The tips for protecting your checking account are:

1. Never give the personal account number and bank routing number to anyone whom you are not familiar with. Reason being, these two key numbers are the essence which are required to create an electronic draft against a personal account. A good rule of thumb is to by no means hand out the above mentioned information if not one knows the corporation or concern asking for it or unless the account holder is the one who is initiating the transaction.

2. Avoid putting the home phone number on the cheques. One can put a mobile phone number to make sure that an alien person does not get account holder's home listing.

3.The very common type of cheque fraud is the usage of bank cheques by some other unknown person. One should keep track of the dispatched cheques and never leave out blank ones with signatures on it. There are some individuals who can steal blank cheques to exercise for their vested interests.

4. One should review his monthly bank statement. An individual has a limited time frame to report errors and omissions, on unauthorized debits on checking account to the respective bank, normally, 90 days. If someone does not receive his bank statement of a particular month, immediately contact the concerned person or representative of that bank for the issuance.

5. It is very important to notify the bank about any trouble as soon as possible. The earlier one let his bank knows that something is wide of the mark going on, the better it will be for him. One should be well versed with all the relevant documentation including the bank statements and other important notes of conversations for the perusal.

6. Furthermore, If an account holder thinks that somebody has gained way in to his or her account, it is crucial to tell the bank and in return follow their instructions

7. It's not the criminals all the time, sometimes the account holders themselves create problems for themselves. If an account holder does not have enough money in his or her bank account, it is important that he or she should not write cheques or permits the debit. It is due to the law of 'check 21' that enables banks to convert cheques into electronic items for processing. Cheques are frequently being cleared on a much faster pace than they used to, usually as quick as a debit card transaction.

8. Another thing that is important for an account holder is that he or she should know the basic rights under the consumer protection laws.

9. While using online banking tools, at all times delete the personal user ID and passwords and then log out from the accounts once the work is complete. Never save personal information on the web page or ask the computer to remember the login ID or password. If one fails to pay attention to this advice, he or she can be left in a fix or a vulnerable situation.

10. Over drafting is also an issue that create problems. When there is a joint account and all the account holders use the debit/credit cards for buying and cash advances, with a lack of communication then this can create an overdraft in an account. One should know what the others are doing.

By Humaira Asad
source : ezinearticles

5 Free Ways To Promote Your Website

You have a website, now what? You do a search for your website but it does not appear in any search engine. It is not in Google, Yahoo! or any other directory. There are a lot of services that can help but they cost money. Social networking is a good way to promote your site but you do not have the time for that. What can be done to help promote your website without spending a whole lot of time and money? And I know you are wanting free, fast and easy.

These are tough requirements but I’m always up for a challenge. So here are “5 Free Ways To Promote Your Website” - starting with Google.

1. The Best Free Search Engine

Submit To Google For Free

It is no secret, Google is the most popular search engine. From the novice to the expert; young and old; millions of people use Google to find what they are looking for. So getting your website indexed is very important. The best part, submitting to Google is free, fast and easy. However, before you submit you should search Google to find out if your website is already in Google’s index. To do this:

  1. Go to and enter your domain name into the search box.
  2. When entering the domain name type it exactly as it was registered. For example, if you wanted to find out if MakeUseOf was indexed in Google you would type
  3. If your site was indexed the first result will be your domain name. In this case you do not need to resubmit.
  4. If you site was not indexed, submit using the form above. It may take up to 3 weeks for your site to get indexed. Don’t keep resubmitting during that time. If your site is not indexed after 3 weeks, resubmit it.

2. The Best Free Directory

The next place to promote your website is Yahoo! Although it is not as popular as Google, Yahoo! is the best directory. It is also free, easy and fast to submit your site to Yahoo!.

Submit To Yahoo For Free

Just like in Google, you should check to see if your website is already in the Yahoo! index. If your site is listed you do not need to resubmit. However, if your site is not found make sure to add your site to Yahoo!, rechecking in a few weeks to make sure it has been indexed.

3. Email Signature

At the bottom of your email, add a signature that includes your domain name. Just in case you need help with adding an email signature I’ve added some information for the most popular applications:

  • Adding an email signature to gmail
  • Adding an email signature to outlook express
  • Adding an email signature to outlook
  • Adding an email signature to entourage
  • Adding a HTML signature to Mac’s Mail

4. Yellow Pages Directory has a free listing that will remain active for 12 months. This is a good place to promote your site - and it is free, fast and easy.

5. Google Local Business

Last, but definitely not least - Google Local Business. When you submit your website to Google Local Business, it is eligible to rank in the local business section. The section is displayed before the organic search results, toward the top of Google. For example, I did a search for: dentist in dana point ca. Local business search is displayed just below the sponsored link section, with a map inserted to the left of the listings.

submit to google local

If you are going to submit to Google Local Business you will need either a business phone number or a business mailing address. Toward the end of the submission process you will be given a PIN number. You will need to use this PIN to complete the submission. If you opt for a postcard, the PIN will be mailed. However, choosing the phone option, the PIN will be displayed and an automated phone call will be made. Importantly, if the number is not a “business line” you will have to take the postcard route. Either way, it is free, fast and easy.

source : makeuseof