Thursday, January 15, 2009

Three-way Business Strategy

What is that Microsoft continues to make successful? Then why Nokia is able to become a cell phone product that most beloved of the consumer? And what makes the BMW for decades continues to be the icon on the prosperity of the people? Learn from the success story companies are global leaders in serving customers, it seems there are a number of wisdom that can be quoted. Main lessons that can be taken is this: that the process must serve customers that begins with the choice of the correct strategy. In other words, the process of serving the needs of customers are not suddenly appear out of the sky, but it must diselaraskan selection strategy with the company (corporate strategy), which has been disconnected.

In the context of this moment there are three strategies that acapkali applied by companies world-class. Jurus the first choice is a strategy that focused on product leadership (the benefits of the product). Companies in this category is always working to create products with premium quality, and always one step ahead of competitors' products. They do not shrink from removing the funds for the R & D for the creation of its products ciamik. Intel is famous for its Pentium series may be the most perfect example for this category. Or also companies such as Louis Vuitton adibusana popularize the product with its bags. And of course, we must appoint a BMW and Ferarri, two automotive manufacturers that create products legendary enamor nan.

Jurus strategy is the second choice oriented operational excellence (operational excellence). The companies in this category, which is the main business processes to build super-efficient. Hopes, with the efficiency of this process, they suppressed the production costs, and ultimately will be able to sell their products more price competitive. Dell, the computer company's home is Texas, is a sample that is feasible in this category. With the business model and a very efficient, they can create products with the price of desktop komptetitif more than its competitors, such as IBM and HP.

Jurus the last option is a strategy based on customer Intimacy (intimacy with the customer). The companies in this category, which is the main building intimate relationships with its customers, with the hope that relations will be created imperishable. Many companies in the field of hospitality and also the flight melakoni strategy to build loyalty for the pelangggannya. Harley Davidson is also very well have a remarkable relationship with the intimate users, so they can build a very intense fanaticism with millions across the penggemarnya Jagat.

Of course, many companies that also combine a variety of the moment, and not just focus on one moment. Honda, for example, than have known products are superior, also known as the business has a very efficient. Similarly, Singapore Airline. In addition to the airline that has a product ciamik, they also have expertise in building intimate relationships with its customers.

Thus, the three business strategy that moment be feasible. Aligning the moment when dipentaskan with a high precision guaranteed PLAYERS will bring the benefits of the ship.

by:Yodhia Antariksa
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