Thursday, March 5, 2009

Healthy Tips Working With Computers

When we ask, what things interesting for the penggandrung computer? Surely they will say, speed, security, and reliability. Unfortunately, most computer Geeks too little attention to how best position when they are working in front of the computer.

But as soon as safe, or whatever their computers, will be the position if kontraproduktif their bodies is wrong, while working at the computer.

Here the important issues must be considered:

Sitting position
- Thigh horizontal position, parallel with the floor
- Position menapak foot to the ground. If not, the position you sit too high
- Sustain the back seat cushion the bottom, so keep your back straight
- Change your sitting position during the regular work, because sitting in a fixed position in a long time can cause inconvenience
- Back bend but do not relax
- Do not bend the head or too skewed to the future

-Make sure the display monitor conditions in the net, so there is no stain that obstruct the view of
-Set the screen contrast brighthness and so convenient for secukupnya mat
Set the position of non-screen monitor that is not reflective of dazzle
-Set the position of the top of the screen parallel or slightly below eye view
-The distance between the eyes to the screen between 50-60 cm

Table Position
- Put the keyboard in a position to make the arm feel rileks
- The position of the table form a square corner 90 degrees
- Wrist in neutral position, straight and comfortable
- When typing, wrists are in a fixed position, but can reach the keyboard keys with the fingers
- Place the mouse / keyboard with the mouse close, so no need to hand movement is too far achieved for

source : iGaul