Thursday, April 9, 2009

Looking Good For Business

While looking good and youthful is important to a relationship, up-keeping oneself for the sake of one's own business is even more important. Let me remind you that it's almost close to impossible to change a first impression. Even if the impression changes once the person gets to know you better, the first impression almost always remains at the back of the mind of that person. Here are a couple of reminders for business people who place importance on deal-closing

Never look unkempt

You know how some office workers can wear unironed clothing to the office because they don't need to step a foot out of the front door? Well, for business people, you don't fit into this category. You've got to remember that when you're in business, you're consistently selling yourself in the form of your business services, products and branding. You can never risk looking like the cat dragged your clothes in through the door that morning because you'll never know when a potential customer might pop their heads around. Wear only ironed clothes that look absolutely smashing on you. Even if the clothes is nothing to shout about, at the very least, what you have on your back is neat and presentable.

Avoid smells like the insides of a beer bottles

Happy Hour was fun but you should never turn up at your customer's office smelling like the fun never stopped. Nothing turns people off more than someone whose odor they have trouble tolerating. In fact, you could be wearing a high-fashion clothing and totting around the most expensive handbag in your closet and it would bear no meaning at all if they thought you smelled nasty.

If you didn't get up in time for a shower in the morning, be sure to dab on a little bit of your perfume or cologne before heading out.

Look and behave in an energetic manner

People, regardless of their background, love meeting with energetic people who have boundless enthusiasm for whatever it is that they're trying to sell. If you don't feel all too enthusiastic this morning, do a little jig, put on the aromatherapy, wear your favorite earring or take a bite off the chocolate bar to put the jog back into your stride. The whole world doesn't need to know that you're having a bad day.

I've always believed that if people put in a little bit more effort into looking presentable and good, they automatically look a little younger. Fragrances help, so, splash on a little bit of your favorite perfume before heading out.
by Stephanie Younger

source : ezinearticles