Saturday, May 9, 2009

4 Health Tips to Keep You Looking Good

It’s not all about veggies and exercise. Being fit is something you should prepare for because it’s a program. It can’t be a one-time jog around your neighborhood. It’s a habit you build up so that you add quality to your life. Know how you can improve your health with these tips:

Chili peppers. Eating chili peppers cause you to release heat. When your body produces heat it uses up energy and calories. Burn off that excess fat by getting into food with chili peppers. They contain substances that increase heat production and oxygen consumption.

Hot the spa. Spa is very popular these days, what with the need for stress relievers. If you’ve been working like a dog for months now, and you feel your body getting over-exhausted, and sleep cannot recuperate your body aches, why not head for the nearest spa and bask in pleasure for a few hours. Make it your reward for the months you’ve toiled. You’ll feel refreshed and relaxed, which means you are more ready to continue your working — this time in a happier mood.

Eat cheese. Cheese can save your teeth from getting damaged due to loss of enamel. When you eat, your teeth get damaged. Eating cheese stimulates saliva, neutralizes acid, reduces sticking of bacteria to enamel and promotes remineralization by casein, calcium and phosphorus.

Stay hot. Hot due to exercise, and hot as in foxy hot. Working out means a lot of sweat. If that is not handled properly, it could lead to hygiene problems. The pollution in the area where you jog gets to your skin so you have to make sure they don’t cause a pimple outbreak. Wash your face regularly with a mild cleanser, especially after a workout. Food can also help your skin glow. Try a diet that’s high in fiber, whole grains, veggies and fruits so your skin will be supplied of nutrients. Try saying no to junk food.

source : Alex -