Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Google vs pubMarketplace in Adsense Bar Fight

Apparently no one in the search and technology industry has ever been in a bar fight.

You want to take down the biggest guy in the room? You want to beat up Google? You don't go for the head (search), you must sweep the legs (ad revenue) first to take down someone bigger than you.

The launch of Wolfram Alpha is a fight for the head, but another attack on the legs of Google has come today with the launch of pubMarketplace, a site that offers PPC ad widgets to Web publishers and bloggers of all sizes.'s pubTools (created by adMarketplace) includes an Ad Tag Cloud (in which contextually-relevant keywords are placed within an ad unit on the page, allowing users to view a selection of offers by rolling over a keyword or phrase - see below for an example). Of the three tools pubMarketplace is offering this is clearly the most unique. pubMarketplace is also offering however a search box that is unique in that it overlays the publisher's content in the same browser, allowing users to interact with the results and then return to the site. Finally, the Text Ad Box pubTool offers multiple relevant text ads in a IAB-standard or custom ad unit.

"pubMarketplace is a great alternative for publishers who are forced to choose between declining Google yields and running CPA ads," adMarketplace CEO Jamie Hill said. While I wouldn't be one to get in a bar fight with Google (I'd wait for them to have a few more drinks) I admire anyone confident enough to sweep the legs of a search giant.

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