Wednesday, August 12, 2009

How to Teach Children Socially Acceptable Behavior

Children that are new to a daycare environment are just learning which behaviors are socially acceptable and how to manage their natural impulse to react physically to events that frustrate or anger them. Here are a few tips to help children learn which behaviors are socially acceptable.


Step 1

It's important to model positive conflict resolution and non-physical problem solving. When searching for a daycare, it's helpful to see if gentle interactions are used to redirect children to good choices. Pay attention to whether teachers speak to children at their eye level and use children's names when addressing them.

Step 2

Encourage and praise children's attempts to use good conflict resolution and problem solving.

Step 3

Help children develop vocabulary necessary to describe feelings, needs and frustrations. Try not to ask yes or no questions. Ask questions that require an explanation and help the child verbalize what he or she is feeling.

Step 4

Redirect children away from inappropriate choices and toward appropriate choices. Remember to praise children and recognize their accomplishments.

Step 5

Offer opportunities in the program to practice social skills such as problem solving, cooperation, turn taking, and sharing. In addition, many accidents, child behavior challenges and inappropriate guidance issues can be avoided by providing a program that is rich in interesting and engaging activities. Spend some time in each childcare center looking for the following:

KinderCare |ehow