Keeping Carpools Safe for Kids
Carpooling can be an economical and practical alternative mode of transportation if you and your neighbors or friends have children who go to the same school. However, as you (or anyone else who is driving) are dealing with precious cargo, make sure that you and your car are ready to handle the responsibility:
Meet with the other parents and guardians. Discuss the rules and guidelines for carpooling. Make copies of this. Include emergency contact information of everyone. Distribute so that everyone knows. Have the parents or guardians write down any of their children medical condition or allergic reactions of which you should be aware. Have everyone sign an agreement form.
Be prepared for anything. Check that your insurance covers everyone carpooling with you.This includes equipping your vehicle with a fire extinguisher and a first-aid kit. Always make sure that your vehicle is in tip-top shape.
Make sure children are protected from stormy weather as they get in and out of vehicle. Once inside the car, ensure that all the kids are buckled up. Have each child’s parent do this for them so that they are assured of their child’s safety.
Have the kids place their books, bags, and lunch boxes on the floor. So in case you need to step hard on the brakes, these objects won’t fly off and hurt the children.
Close and lock the doors. Make sure that you check that all fingers, feet, and limbs are safely inside the vehicle before doing so.
When everyone is settled, remind the children about safety guidelines and proper behavior before driving off to school.
Make a head count to be sure that everyone is present and that no one is left behind.
Have a parent or a guardian present when you drop their children at home. In the same manner, if you are dropping children at a child-care facility, make sure that you turn them over to the direct supervision of a recognized staff member.
[ via tipz.com ]
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